Tennessee Anniversary Trip: Zuppa Toscana, WonderWorks, and More!

We had a blast in Tennessee even though I was sick with a sinus infection. Being up in the mountains made me feel worse so I ate lots of Olive Garden Zuppa Toscana soup and took lots of meds to alleviate the pressure. Besides, it was on our first year anniversary/ vacation trip and I want to go sight seeing and what not. There was so much to do and so much to see in Gatlinburg that we didn’t get a chance to do much in Pigeon Forge.

I want to go back there for like a day or two to go to Dollywood to do some … (wait for it) arts & crafts. Mainly the glass and candle workshop. Then I want to make our way to Nashville for a couple of days.

Courtney Rawls

Crafty mom, sassy wife, foodie, and aspiring doula extraordinaire. I have quite a few goals and hobbies and look forward to sharing how I balance them all.